Rua Red Art Project

Our friends in Rua Red kindly invited us to be involved in a recent project after the success of our involvement  in the Finian’s Woke Project last year. This recent project was ran at the same time as an exhibition “Open Minds”, which was a creative exhibition of work made by people in custody and post…

Poetry Corner

Last Tuesday 6th August, we held a Poetry Corner reading. The poems we read were a collection of work that the creative writing group had written over the course of classes.  The classes were Co-facilitated by Gemma and Patrick.  We had compiled the poetry collection previous to the Poetry Corner reading. Gemma and Julie had…

Our Gratitude Jar

When we’re in a hurry Or just feeling blue We sometimes forget To be grateful, it’s true So we have a jar To remind us each day To say Thanks for the small things When they come our way We pop in a note And just for a while We stop to say ”Thank You”…


I started an 8 week art course in Rua Red a couple of weeks ago.  It is being run by 2 girls one is called Niamh. There is an exhibition (MFA) by N.C.A.D (National College of Art and Design).  It’s an interim show and is running currently in the gallery in Rua Red.  Using the…

Path Group to the Cinema

Last Monday 11 March as part of the path group myself (Maureen), Christine and Rosanna went to see the film ‘The Hole in the Ground’.  I was looking forward to seeing it as I heard it was a good horror film.  I myself wouldn’t describe it as such. It wasn’t a bad thriller but the…

Sand Art Class

Last week we did a class on Sand Art with Patrice. Patrice is a student of in Social Care, TUD Tallaght.  We had never done this before and we all found it very therapeutic. It was so simple to do and we now have a new artistic skill. We used salt instead of sand but…

Rua Red Art Project

A large group from New Horizon has joined up with artists Paul and Irene from Rua Red to take part in a project called ‘ Finnegans Woke’.  They’ve set up a studio in Rua Red adjoined to a huge and amazing gallery space.  In the middle of the room they have constructed a raft or…

Poetry Corner

The following poems were written as part of our Creative Writing group that was held in our last timetable here in New Horizon. In this post we are sharing some of those poems we wrote.  We hope you enjoy them. Memories Living inside a life full of colour Wondering where, when or why is another…


Over ten weeks we had a creative writing class.  It was a co-facilitated class with Patrick and Gemma, which worked very well.  We started with a warm up exercise and had to go around the participants with a name game, it was like a memory game. We learned a lot and enjoyed this class.  One…

The Night After Christmas

T’was the night after Christmas, And no-one was near, So it was hard to celebrate, The season of good cheer.   I ate Christmas pudding, With custard on top, And minced pies and cake, I just couldn’t stop.   I got a Christmas card with money inside, I couldn’t believe it, I nearly died, So…

Healthy Ireland Recipe Book

In the Eve New Horizon Hub Healthy Ireland group we are currently putting together a recipe book.  In the recipe book we are including seven recipes that we have cooked in our healthy Ireland cookery group each Thursday.  The participants in the Healthy Ireland group all took a different task to put the Healthy Ireland…

The Choir

The Choir is in operation for about six weeks. It is run by Gemma. It is very enjoyable. We all talked about songs and groups we like. Choosing songs that we were all comfortable with was important. We talked about commitment, the importance of listening and attentiveness. We also talked about how singing is good…

Photography Course

Week one of the photography course started last Monday. We had an induction class of photography which was great. Jim is our facilitator.  Jim is an instructor with the ddletb  ( Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Education and Training Board). The ddletb provide various courses here in New Horizon.  This course is the first time I…

Maureen’s Drawings

I haven’t been drawing for a while so I decided now is the time to get back into it.  I bring my sketch book everywhere with me now and sketch from observation whatever catches my eye.  My plan is to build up a big enough portfolio of drawings that I can mix and match and…

Healthy Ireland Cookery

Last Thursday the weekly cookery class was held.  The dish we had chosen to make was Nando’s chicken breasts with coconut and lime rice. We started to prepare the dish on Wednesday by marinating the chicken breasts.  The marinade consists of chopped ginger and garlic and the juice of one lime which were combined with…

Michael’s soccer reports

In  the  Champions   League  this   Saturday    with  the  final   in  kiev, Ukraine.   I think it will   be a  great   game.  It will be end to  end  drama.   I  probably   think  that   Liverpool  will  get  the  first goal,  if    that  happens  I   think  Real  Madrid  will  get  back  into  the  game  and  make  it  one  all…

2018 Eurovision

I usually write about football and rugby but for my Blog piece this week I am writing about the Eurovision which I really enjoyed watching.  The Eurovision song contest in 2018 was held in Lisbon Portugal.  Twenty six countries got through to the final. Ireland was picked last in the first semi final a few…


My name is Michael and I love watching soccer. I come into New Horizon every Wednesday. I like to take part in the Creative Writing. This is my piece on the Premier League. With Liverpool and Roma in the semi-final of the European cup, I think it will be a cracking game over two legs….

Being Wagner by Simon Callow

I only started listening to Wagner a few years ago, though I was familiar with the bombastic ‘The Ride of the Valkyries’, not least because of its use in the movie, Apocalypse Now. I had imbibed the notion of him as a turbulent genius in the Romantic mould long ago. As it happens, this biography,…