Rua Red Art Project

A large group from New Horizon has joined up with artists Paul and Irene from Rua Red to take part in a project called ‘ Finnegans Woke’.  They’ve set up a studio in Rua Red adjoined to a huge and amazing gallery space.  In the middle of the room they have constructed a raft or a boat from wooden pallets resting on rocks and debris at an angle.

Attached to the boat are huge sails and on these sails are numerous artworks eg. Collages, paintings etc.  A lot of the pieces depict news topics and anti-political and government themes. Others showing how large industries and international companies are ruining the environment.  The New Horizon group worked as a team to create quite a large collage based on the positive and negative perceptions of mental illness. This collage will be hung on the sail.

This week we are planning to work individually.  Some of us have written poems and we’re going to make work based on our own poems.  The project is eight weeks in total; this Thursday is our fourth week.

Maureen B.

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